Dewlay celebrated 60 years of Lancashire cheesemaking in style with a truly special visit from His Royal High Highness, The Prince of Wales who visited the dairy on Tuesday 21st March. It’s the first time in Dewlay’s history that they hosted a Royal Visitor to the multi award winning dairy. Accompanied by 3rd generation owners Nick & Richard Kenyon, his Royal Highness took in a full tour of the dairy, meeting some of the hard working cheesemakers who week in week out create award winning Lancashire cheese.

“It’s a once in a lifetime visit,” said Nick Kenyon, “We were honoured to receive His Royal Highness and to show him around our dairy, as well as sampling some of the finest Lancashire cheeses,” he added.

This was the first Royal visit to the Garstang-based cheesemakers, which was established in 1957 by George Kenyon. Moving to its current location on the outskirts of Garstang town centre under Neil Kenyon, it is now managed and run by brothers Nick and Richard.

“We still make Lancashire cheese to the same recipe we did back in 1957 and in the same way, with cheese made in open vats that are turned and cut by hand,” said production director Richard Kenyon.

The Prince also had time to meet some students from Myerscough College as well as the 9 local dairy farmers who supply Dewlay, before unveiling a plaque to commemorate both the visit and the dairy’s diamond anniversary. It was truly an unforgettable day!

“To get to our 60th year in business is a wonderful achievement that we are all very proud of. But to have the Prince of Wales visit us on this special year truly is the icing on the cake,” said Nick.

A member of the Specialist Cheesemakers Association; its patron being Prince Charles, Dewlay uses traditional Lancashire cheesemaking methods that were first established in the 1800s. Producing curds on day one and mixing with curds on a second day, this multi-day curd method is unique to Lancashire cheese.

Producing over 1500 tonnes of cheese each year, the site has recently opened a new cold store that can hold over 2000 pallets of cheese at any one time. Also located at the dairy is a Cheese Shop, museum and viewing gallery allowing visitors to see cheese being made from a birds eye view.

“We believe it is important for people to know exactly where their food comes from. With our shop and viewing gallery visitors can get a glimpse into locally sourced, locally produced artisan food and learn all about how it is made,” adds Nick.

The Royal visit to Dewlay was the last stop of the day for Prince Charles, following a visit to Clitheroe to meet organisers of the annual Clitheroe Food Festival, and a visit to BAE’s Salmesbury facility